Announcing 2 new albums are written!!
Danish thrash/power metal outfit, MANTICORA, celebrate the 20th anniversary for their bandname announcing, having finished writing, what will be their 8th + 9th release, and the first new offering for almost 8 years!! Reasons have been plenty for the release-hiatus, as Kristian Larsen (guitars) explains:

“After our 2010 release “Safe”, we went on European tour, and played Wacken Open Air + other festival shows, and things looked quite ok, but we were soon overwhelmed with sad events, that took its toll on us. In the years between 2012 and now, My wife, mother and father all passed away, and Lars’ father, uncle and aunt died as well. Furthermore, both Martin Arendal (ex-guitars) and Kasper Gram (ex-bass) chose to leave the band to seek other musical endeavours. All these things caused for a lot of delay in the songwriting and a lot of personal turmoil to deal with. We set up a European tour in 2014 with our new members, Stefan Johansson (guitars) and Sebastian Andersen (bass), but after the tour, also Mads Volf (drums), had finally had enough of the music business and quit the band. Lars, Stefan, Sebastian and I decided to write something big and spectacular, and we have spent the last 3 years, writing like madmen on what is to become a grandiose concept, released in a manner, the metal music-world has not witnessed yet. It is definitely our biggest thing so far!“

MANTICORA have written more than 20 tracks for the upcoming albums, which sees a return to the concept-album style, the band has practiced on four albums previously. The plan is to release two albums, based on the thriller/horror novel that leadsinger, Lars F. Larsen has written, alongside the release of the book itself!
In Lars’ own words:

“I decided at some point, 6 years ago, to write a book, based upon some old demons I had inside my head. It was a rather basic excuse to get some stuff out of my mind, that had been nagging me for a long time, but suddenly the idea and the concept of the book evolved, and became a product, that is very scary and shows a side of me, I didn’t think, I possessed. The other guys liked the idea, of writing music for this concept, so here we are. To keep the description of the book short for this press release, I can only say that if you like books like “American Psycho”, and movies like “Saw”, you’ll most definitely want to read this one, and listen to the albums, we wrote.“